Travertine Sealing in Florida
When it comes to Travertine, there are many sealant options on the market. Most companies that specialize in sealing pavers and travertine only offer one, because they use only what is easy to apply and what’s familiar to them. What is the best sealer for natural stones? Sealant manufacturers recommend different products that are designed specifically for travertine and other natural stones. Customer’s personal preferences and needs also play a large role in the decision of what to protect the stones with. If you have a travertine or a natural stone hardscape, you need to protect your investment. One of the best ways to enhance the beauty and protect the integrity of your hardscapes is to have them professionally sealed and routinely cleaned. We use only the very best products available so you can be certain of the best results. Below, we will look at sealants designed here in Florida, with our subtropical climate in mind. Urethane based sealers are the most common product used on travertine in Florida and is an excellent product that has several applications. It is especially well suited for sealing concrete pavers. When applied to concrete pavers, Ure-Seal is a Penetrating Sealer that soaks into the porous concrete paver stone, enhancing the colors and sheen, while protecting the stones from U.V Rays etc. Concrete pavers sealed with Ure-Seal, still allows for the “breathability” of moisture to escape through capillary action and evaporate without getting trapped by a film forming sealer. This trapped moisture is what causes pavers to have hazy, milky blemishes across the surface. Results of the product being applied improperly. On some natural stones, Ure-Seal can cause similar issues at times since it forms a film-like sealer on these stones. Travertine, Natural Stones and Clay Brick Hardscapes are not the same type of stones as Concrete Brick Paver Systems. Several Factors such as the density of natural stones compared to concrete pavers, and the way in which Ure-Seal forms its bond to a concrete brick paver, versus travertine, will play a vital part in determining which product is right for your hardscape. When it is applied to travertine and natural stones it becomes a surface sealer. When Ure-Seal is used on travertine, instead of the sealer soaking into the pores, like it does with pavers, Ure-Seal will sit on top of the dense travertine and form a film-like surface layer coating. Several issues arise when a film forming sealer is used in the wrong application. With travertine, imagine how easy paint will chip off a smooth surface such as scraping paint off a piece of glass. That is similar to the bond Ure-Seal provides on travertine applications. This film forming sealer means instead of the sealer soaking in, it sits on top and creates a film that will need added texture to reduce slipperiness, wear down, show scratching and potentially flake off the surface over time. Depending on many variables such as traffic and other weathering factors the length of time before additional maintenance is required will vary. Some customers want a natural look to their stones that Ure-Seal cannot provide. Some want their stones to look like the showroom stone (Stone Show Invisible) and others do not want the high shine, but do like the color enhancement (Stone Show Enhancer). There are great advantages to using Ure-Seal on Travertine. The film forming sealer give travertine a high glossy shine and deep enhancement to the colors. A fine broadcast texture is added to the top coat to reduce the slipperiness the sealer creates. Ure-Seal also has the ability to help “lock in” sand when the joints are not tight and customers are looking for them to be sanded. At Paver Seal Tampa, we have years of experience in helping to restore your property’s pavers. We are an honest, hard-working team who make your satisfaction our top priority. If you are looking to regain that eye-popping curb appeal for your home, get in touch with our family owned and operated company today for a complimentary estimate. Stone Show is designed for your Natural stones. Whether you’re looking for a completely natural look or just a bit of enhancement to the colors of your travertine hardscapes, Stone Show is usually the best option for Protecting Natural Stones and here’s why. Stone Show will protect the integrity of your stones by repelling moisture as well as offering superior stain protection from mold and algae as well as oils grease rust and other blemishes. With Stone Show, we properly treat all travertine surfaces with commercial etching chemicals and mold removers before pressure washing every inch of the travertine stones. This process opens up the profile of the stone allowing the pores to absorb even more sealer. Meaning once we apply Stone Show to your deck, the sealed stone will be slightly less slippery than the unsealed, bare stones are wet. Without the need for a fake grip that can wear down quicker than expected. Ultimately, Stone Show is the Premium Choice for Sealing New Travertine in Tampa, the Nature Coast, Central Florida and South Florida. However, if you are looking for a high shine or natural look with rich enhancement of color and you need sand held in the joints then Ure-Seal is a great option as well. We add a micro-grip texture to the top coat to reduce the slipperiness. (Do not use Ure-Seal on smooth marble. It is not designed for marble and will peel, requiring stripping to completely remove it.) Stone Show is only available for unsealed travertine and natural stones or stones that have been sealed with an “impregnating” sealer like Stone Show previously. Glossy Wet Look Invisible Enhancer Stone Show (Natural Stone Penetrating Sealer) Ure-Seal (Topical Sealer on Natural Stone) Please Note: Travertine that has already been sealed with Ure-Seal or similar products is not eligible for Stone Show penetrating sealer because the surfaces will still have old sealer preventing absorption into the stone itself. Therefore the best option is to seal your deck with Ure-Seal and add a generous application of micro grip to the finish coat of sealer. NOT SURE IF ITS BEEN SEALED? Watch this video to identify whether or not your Travertine has already been sealed. Take the next step towards beautiful, protected pavers and ensure you receive the best service tailored to your needs. Fill out the request quote form today to start the journey towards revitalizing your outdoor space! When you submit the form we will reach out right away to discuss your project, or Schedule a Call to get started at a time that works best for you. We welcome the opportunity to exceed your expectations. Contact our office today for a FREE quote! Travertine & Natural Stone Sealing
What’s The Problem With Film-Forming Sealer On Travertine?
Travertine Sealed with Ure-Seal Gloss
Why some customers do not choose Ure-Seal for their travertine pool deck:
Why some customers want Ure-Seal on their travertine pool deck:
Unmatched Experience
Stone Show: Travertine Sealing
Stone Show
Stone Show
Travertine Sealing Comparisons
Has Your Travertine Already Been Sealed With a Topical Sealer?
Ready to take your pavers to the next level?
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